Autumn Farm Staff Walk at Tetworth Hall Estate

Hardcastle Burton LLP act for many farms and estates. We realise how important it is for our staff to have a sound knowledge of the industry. Our farm walks offer staff the chance to see first hand what our clients do and gain valuable insight into what matters to them.

Our most recent visit was to Tetworth Farm Estate in Bedfordshire. We learnt about some of the challenging tasks facing a 2,500 acre estate. From the importance of nurturing the soil and growing cover crops to help enrich the ground with carbon, to how the estate is planning for the progressive reduction of the basic payment scheme.

We heard about the hard reality of farming throughout the Covid pandemic and world events that followed. The estate is adapting to prepare for the future. This includes diversification for new sources of income and changes to the use of barns and derelict buildings. There is a very careful balancing act to remain commercial, restore life into farms and allow nature to flourish. In all the walk helped us to appreciate the dedication and skill it takes to run and manage a farming estate.

We would like to thank Tetworth Hall Estate and farm manager Richard for their time and hospitality.

Tetworth Hall Estate 2022 Autumn Farm Staff Walk
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